The 5 Challenges of Talent in a competitive global environment
On April 24 will come to Algri Coworking Barcelona, Mr. Jesus A. Marmol, Business Management and MBA university professor, to talk about talent management in companies:
“That we are entering an era of global talent crisis is not a secret, as the World Economic Forum itself, openly and openly expresses, with its founder, the economist Klaus Schwab. The cause?: changes in the world of work that brings the fourth industrial revolution today that is characterized by a new and unusual demand for professional skills to date unknown and highly changing, which brings a change of business paradigm, and more specifically work. In the Conference, we will analyze the main keys to face the new challenge that the management of talent in the companies has as an essential factor of competitiveness. “In addition to counting in the Coworking with your presence, all those who are interested may purchase their latest book “Talent Management Model for Companies” at a reduced price
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