22@: The catalan Silicon Valley
Barcelona is one of the most dynamic cities in Europe economically. Although in general one usually thinks of it more as a tourist asset than as the headquarters of financial institutions, as can happen with London or Madrid; the truth is that the city has made a very clear commitment to technology and R + D + I at € 22 and our coworking is fortunate to be two steps away from it.
The 22 @ Barcelona project is an initiative to make more than 200 hectares of land in Poblenou become one of the most technologically leading places in the entire country. The creation of this technological district involves not only companies and technology starups, but also universities and public institutions that have committed themselves to the project and, especially, in its early stages
Thus, the 22 @ project was born to be the catalyst for all technological startups in Barcelona and be the benchmark in economic terms. Alongside the development of technology and information companies, work spaces or coworkings have also been developed that allow the early stages to be energized and contribute greatly to the foundation of new technology companies that can rival, in the medium term, other hubs of these characteristics.
Coworkings play a fundamental role in 22 @
In the technological district that is being born in the heat of the 22 @ project, one of the most important pillars is that of common work spaces or coworkings. This is the best alternative for young companies that are looking for an office or workspace in the area; Since it has all the benefits of a classic office but it presents many more, such as the lower price or the ability to share work space (and eventually ideas and projects) with other professionals in the same sector or complementary sectors.
Thus, little by little it is being configured in this space of Poblenou, a technological district capable of creating synergies similar to those that other technological neighborhoods such as those in Tokyo or San Francisco have created in other parts of the world and quickly integrate into the economic network worldwide thanks to the services and transport hub that is Barcelona, with daily air connections to the main European cities and with high-speed train to Madrid, Zaragoza and France; so it is possible to go from coworking to the meeting in Frankfurt or in London in just a few hours
Undoubtedly, another of the great advantages of the 22 @ project is the fact that there will be more coworkings in Barcelona, which implies in terms of cheaper entrepreneurship; Well, having an office with everything you need to perform the tasks of a technology company will be available to anyone.